

Molecular Biology Kit

Generay Molec✃ular Biology Kit product line mainly includes Genomic DNA Extraction, Plasmid DNA Extraction, Agarose Gel DNA Extraction, PCR Product Purification, RNA Extraction, RT-PCR Kit and Fluorescence Quantitative related products, etc.

DNA Extraction Kit

Agarose Gel DNA Extraction Kit

PCR Product Purification Kit

Plasmid DNA Extraction Kit

Cell & Tissue Genomic DNA Extraction Kit

Blood Genomic DNA Extraction Kit

Rapid Plant Genomic DNA Extraction Kit

Bacterial Genomic DNA Extraction Kit

● RNA Extraction Kit:

RNaExTM Trizol Reagent

Animal Total RNA Rapid Extraction Kit

Liquid Nitrogen-free Sample RNA Pr🌸eservation So♔lution

● PCR Related Kit:

Ready-to-use Taq PCR Kit (with Dye)

Ready-to-use High Fidelity PCR Kit (with DDye)

Power qPCR Premix (SYBR Green I) Kit

● Cloning Related Kit:

pTG19-T PCR Product Cloning Kit

Highly Competent Cell Preparation Kit


DNA Extraction Kit

Product ID product name specification
GK0120 Cell / Tissue Genomic DNA Extraction Kit 20 preps
GK0121 50 preps
GK0122 100 preps
GK0221 Cell / Tissue Genomic DNA Extraction Kit (No Proteinase K) 50 preps
GK0222  100 preps
GK1041 Small amount of blood genomic DNA extraction kit (less than 1ml) 50 preps
GK1042 100 preps
GK1043 20 preps
GK1045 Blood Genomic DNA Extraction Kit (1ml-3ml) 20 preps
GK1046 50 preps
GK1051 Novel rapid plant genomic DNA extraction kit 50 preps
GK1071 Bacterial genomic DNA extraction kit 50 preps
GK1072 100 preps
GK1072 20 preps
GK1091 Yeast genomic DNA extraction kit 50 preps
GK1092 100 preps
GK1093 20 preps
GK2043 Agarose Gel DNA Recovery Kit 50 preps
200 preps
GK2051 PCR product purification kit 50 preps
GK2052 100 preps
GK2002 Small plasmid extraction kit (spin column) 200 preps
GK2004 Small plasmid extraction kit (upgraded version of spin column) 50 preps
200 preps
GK2005 Plasmid medium extraction kit 50 preps
GK2006 Plasmid microextraction kit 50 preps
50 preps

M🌱agnetic Bead Plasmid Miniprep Kit (Sin✃gle Tube Operation)

50 preps
200 preps

Magnetic bead agarose gel DNA recovery kit

50 preps
200 preps

RNA extraction kit

Product ID product name specification
GK3005 RNaExTM Trizol Reagent 50ml
GK3006 100ml
GK3015 Animal Total RNA Rapid Extraction Kit 25 preps
GK3016 50 preps
GK3131 Liquid nitrogen-free sample RNA preservation solution 50ml
GK3132 100ml

PCR related kits:

Product ID product name specification
GK8005 Ready-to-use Taq PCR Kit (with dye) 1ml
GK8006 5*1ml
GK8007 Ready-to-use high-fidelity PCR kit (with dye) 1ml
GK8008 5*1ml
GK8020 Power qPCR premix(SYBR Green I)kit 200 preps


Cloning related kits:

Product ID product name specification
GK6031 Efficient Competent Cell Preparation Kit 1ml
GK6032 5*1ml
GR6085 EZfusion homologous recombinase (seamless cloning) 20 preps
GR6086 50 preps
GR6088 100 preps

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